PRODUCTSProduct Information
Software Solution:Package Service
Package Service
Product Features
Cimetrix (Salt Lake City, Utah, USA) has drastically grown achievements as a manufacturer of communication software tool used in the latest semiconductor factories. The semiconductor equipment in which Cimetrix communication tool is installed is used in the most of semiconductor factories all over the world.
Cimetrix offers CIMConnect [SS_ONLINE] for compliance with SECS/GEM and CIM300 [SS_ONLINE] for compliance with GEM300 in order to meet the demand of the more complex data collection system. Cimetrix provides passionate customer support to put you in position to make the right choice to control your own destiny.
Cimetrix also offers CIMPortal Plus [SS_EDA] that fully complies with EDA/Interface A (Freeze I/Freeze II and E164).
Many equipment suppliers use Cimetrix software, and Cimetrix has received a favorable receptions to high level of completion and full support.
Equipment Control
The semiconductor, photovoltaic, and related electronics manufacturing communities are constantly striving to improve efficiency and optimize productivity.
Cimetrix offers CIMControlFramework [SS_CCF] with the source code that has GUI and online communication function. It allows equipment suppliers to focus on their core business.
CIMControlFramework [SS_CCF] can comply with SECS/GEM by CIMConnect [SS_ONLINE], GEM300 by CIM300 [SS_ONLINE] and EDA/Interface A by CIMPortal Plus [SS_EDA].
The SECS/GEM standard defines messages, state machines, and scenarios to enable factory software to control and monitor manufacturing equipment. Many different types of equipment in semiconductor (front end and back end), surface mount technology, electronics assembly, photovoltaic, flat panel display, and other industries worldwide provide a SECS/GEM interface on the manufacturing equipment so that the factory host software can communicate with the machine for monitoring and/or controlling purposes. Because the GEM standard was written with very few semiconductor-specific features, it can be applied to virtually any manufacturing equipment in any industry.
Cimetrix offers CIMConnect [SS_ONLINE]. It can easily connect with the host simulator for the test by the simple setting after installing. TESTConnect [SS_ONLINE] is included.
With the transition to 300 mm wafers, the level of factory automation in the fabs increased significantly. SEMI introduced the GEM300 standards to allow this dramatic change to be implemented as cost effectively as possible. Compliance with the SEMI 300 mm communication standard is no longer optional. 300 mm semiconductor factories require equipment suppliers to fulfill the standards in order to implement factory automation.
Cimetrix offers CIM300 [SS_ONLINE]. It allows equipment suppliers to reduce the effort to comply with GEM300 fully. TESTConnect [SS_ONLINE] is included.
EDA/Interface A
Industry experts developed the EDA/Interface A standards in order to facilitate data acquisition integration and improve data quality. Fabs will use EDA/Interface A for APC data gathering and e-diagnostics while the existing SECS/GEM interface will remain intact for MES connectivity.
Cimetrix offers CIMPortal Plus [SS_EDA] that allows equipment suppliers to reduce the effort to comply with EDA fully. ECCE Plus [SS_EDA] is included.
Cimetrix is a registered trademark of Cimetrix, Inc. in the United States and other countries.
CIMControlFramework, CIMConnect , CIM300, SECSConnect, TESTConnect, CIMPortal, CIMPortal Plus, ECCE and ECCE Plus are trademarks of Cimetrix, Inc. in the United States and other countries.
SEMI is a trademark or a registered trademark of SEMI in the United States and other countries.
™ and ® are not provided into the text.
Related Documents
- Equipment Control Solution
- Host Online Communication Solution(SECS/GEM, GEM300)
- EDA/Interface A Solution
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