
Calculation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

We have calculated our global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for the year covered by the calculation (FY2023) for the same scope of consolidation as our financial information, as shown below. We recognize that climate change is an urgent issue that needs to be addressed by society as a whole, and we monitor environmental data, including that of our overseas offices, to ensure that we address this issue with sincerity.

In the future, we will promote CO2 reduction through the use of renewable energy, power saving in production facilities, and improvement of electrical efficiency of products, while working toward ISSB (International Sustainability Standards Board) compliant information disclosure.

Greenhouse gas emissions (Management data)

[Inquiries regarding this matter]
RORZE CORPORATION Corporate Planning Office Administration Department TEL:+81(0)84-960-0205
Please send e-mail from the inquiry form in Website.

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